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Preset Tasmota Power Meter Socket Application Solution

Tasmota power metering socket solutions

I. Introduction to the program

1 Tasmota Market Applications

Traditional Tasmota products:

Customers need to disassemble the product and analyze its functions, which greatly reduces the playability of Tasmota. This greatly reduces the playability of the Tasmota, and increases the threshold of the customer, and the difficulty of using the product.

For customers:

  • Needs can not be met: Because Tasmota is open source, many customers buy on the market product quality varies. Cannot reach the needs they want!
  • Poor use experience: Due to the existence of bugs, sockets often have problems, affecting the use of electrical equipment
  • bugs can not be solved: Tasmota developers are many, in the market to buy the socket may not get effective technical support

For developers:

  • Disassembly time-consuming and laborious: Directly on the market to buy sockets back to the development, not only need to disassemble the socket themselves, if for the hardware soldering line can not be safely controlled, easy to produce the danger of electric shock ⚠️
  • Development time-consuming and laborious: Direct development of Tasmota products is not a simple thing, complex hardware configuration, software services. Need up to several months or even longer testing and development time.
  • Learning is time-consuming and laborious: The official documents are many and varied, and for the initial development of Tasmota developers, the learning cost is high and the effectiveness is low

Feiteng cloud in 2019 began to study Tasmota products, in this service is relatively perfect and can provide you with more support, the following we can provide you with

2 Our Services

  • Convenience: No need to buy disassembled and time-consuming hardware configuration from the official
  • Customization: To meet customer's specific or required content, and provide better products for customer's shipment or development.
  • Provide pre-configured firmware: Fetion Cloud directly provide firmware configuration, customers can be upgraded remotely via OTA, directly into the debugging, do what they want to do!
  • Perfect Tasmota function support: Continuous Tasmota firmware maintenance, the original firmware bugs, long-term optimization and updating.

II. Products to which the programme applies

Click to enter WB02A-8685H4V1 Module Introduction