How to Perform OTA Upgrades for Matter?¶
1. Generating the OTA Firmware Upgrade Package¶
1.1 Change the OTA Firmware Version Number to 3¶
1.2 Compile to Generate MatterLightOverThread_V3.ota¶
Rename the compiled MatterLightOverThread.s37 firmware to MatterLightOverThread_V3.s37 and copy it to the following Windows folder:
Convert it to a .gbl file:
commander gbl create ./MatterLightOverThread_V3.gbl --app ./MatterLightOverThread_V3.s37 --compress lzma
Copy MatterLightOverThread_V3.gbl to the VM VirtualBox shared folder, import the .gbl file into the Ubuntu environment, and then copy it to the matter folder.
Convert the .gbl file to a .ota file:
./src/app/ create -v 0xFFF1 -p 0x8005 -vn 3 -vs "0.3" -da sha256 MatterLightOverThread_V3.gbl MatterLightOverThread_V3.ota
2. Upgrading Matter Firmware in the Ubuntu Environment¶
2.1 Compile the OTA Upgrade Program¶
./scripts/examples/ ./examples/ota-provider-app/linux ./out/debug chip_config_network_layer_ble=false
2.2 Configure the Matter Device¶
# Clear the chip tool cache. After clearing the cache, both the OTA Provider and the Matter device need to rejoin the network.
sudo rm -r /tmp/chip_*
# Create a Thread network
sudo ot-ctl dataset init new
sudo ot-ctl dataset networkkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
sudo ot-ctl dataset extpanid 1111111122222222
sudo ot-ctl dataset panid 0x1234
sudo ot-ctl dataset channel 15
# Submit the above configuration as the active configuration
sudo ot-ctl dataset commit active
# Bring up the IPv6 interface
sudo ot-ctl ifconfig up
# Start the Thread protocol
sudo ot-ctl thread start
# View Thread network configuration
sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x
# Assign a node ID of 1001 to the device
sudo ./chip-tool pairing ble-thread 1001 hex:0e08000000000001000035060004001fffe00708fdd0a609c458d59b030f4f70656e5468726561642d3763393004100191ed136516065cfa503db5ed6439320c0402a0f7f8051000112233445566778899aabbccddeeff0208111111112222222201021234000300000f 20202021 3840
Start the OTA service in a new terminal window, pointing to the OTA file:
In a new terminal window, assign a node ID of 5678 to the OTA Provider:
Grant all devices in the network access to the OTA Provider cluster (0x0029). 5678 is the node ID of the OTA Provider, and the following 0 is the endpoint.
sudo ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": null}]' 5678 0
Notify the Matter device to upgrade. 5678 is the node ID of the OTA Provider, and 1001 is the node ID of the Matter Lighting.
You should see in another window that the OTA upgrade process has begun.
The Matter device will request and update the firmware from the OTA Provider after receiving the announce-otaprovider command.
The firmware upgrade process will take a few minutes…
Copyright Notice: This article is an original work by Zhang Chi Youdu 2016.
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