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Cloud computing can be metaphorically likened to clouds in the sky: it is a model of delivering computing services over the internet, akin to obtaining moisture from clouds. In this metaphor:

  1. Storage and Processing Capability: Clouds, like those in the sky, accumulate vast resources (moisture or computing resources) accessible for multiple demands.

  2. Remote Access: Cloud computing allows users to access data and applications stored in the cloud via the internet, akin to observing clouds from any location on the ground.

  3. Flexibility and Scalability: Users can utilize cloud resources as needed, similar to how clouds change shape with weather and environmental conditions, allowing cloud computing to adapt and provide varying services based on different requirements.

  4. Shared Nature: Cloud computing services can be used simultaneously by multiple users or organizations, much like how a cloud can cover multiple regions or populations.

  5. Elasticity and Cost Efficiency: Cloud computing offers elastic and cost-effective computing resources based on demand, resembling how clouds release moisture or change shape according to needs.

Private Cloud

Key characteristics include:

  1. Exclusivity: A private cloud is owned and managed solely by a single organization, ensuring physical and logical isolation of data and applications without sharing hardware, storage, or network equipment with other organizations, unlike public clouds.

  2. Security: Due to its exclusive use, strict security controls and policies can be enforced, including data encryption, access control, and authentication measures, ensuring data security and privacy.

  3. Flexibility and Customization: Private clouds provide greater flexibility, allowing organizations to customize and optimize the cloud environment according to their specific needs. Hardware, network, and storage resources can be configured to meet performance, security, and compliance requirements.

  4. Control and Compliance: Organizations have greater control over private cloud resources and application deployments, crucial for adhering to specific regulations and industry standards such as financial services and healthcare.

  5. Cost and Efficiency: While private clouds may require higher initial investments and maintenance costs, they can offer better resource utilization and lower operational risks. Additionally, for certain workloads, private clouds may be more cost-effective than public clouds.

Logic of Cloud

  1. Data Stored in the Cloud:
  2. Data is typically stored on servers provided by cloud service providers, which may be located in data centers worldwide. This data can include user-uploaded files, application-generated data, sensor-collected information, and more.

  3. User Authentication and Authorization:

  4. Users need to authenticate themselves (e.g., username/password, two-factor authentication) to access cloud services. Upon successful authentication, users are granted specific access permissions based on their roles and required data access levels.

  5. Data Transfer and Security:

  6. Cloud services typically use secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS) to protect privacy and integrity during data transmission. This ensures data security as it travels from the cloud to user devices such as computers, smartphones, or other devices.

  7. API or Interface Access:

  8. Users can access their data through APIs (application programming interfaces) provided by cloud services or through user interfaces. APIs enable developers to write applications or scripts to programmatically access and manipulate data in the cloud, while interfaces provide intuitive ways for regular users to manage and view data via web or mobile applications.

  9. Data Query and Operations:

  10. Once authenticated and granted access, users can perform data queries, analysis, modification, or deletion as needed. These operations typically rely on data operations and management functionalities supported by the cloud service provider.

  11. Data Retrieval and Result Presentation:

  12. Cloud services process user requests, execute related data operations, and return results to users. Users can view, download, or further process returned data or results on their devices.

Role Played by Feitian Cloud

Phaten Corporation provides integration services for clients to connect products with cloud (Apps), facilitating user interaction. However, it does not provide ready-made cloud platforms; these platforms are provided by clients.