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Thread and Matter: Understanding Their Relationship!

In the ever-evolving field of Internet of Things (IoT), Thread and Matter protocols serve as two crucial communication standards, each playing pivotal roles.

Thread Protocol Overview

Thread protocol is a low-power, low-latency wireless communication protocol based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. It is designed to establish stable, secure, and reliable IoT networks, primarily for local area connectivity between smart home and building automation devices.

Key features include:

  • Low power and low latency: Ideal for long-running smart devices, ensuring quick responsiveness.
  • Security: Utilizes modern encryption techniques to ensure communication security and privacy protection.
  • Mesh routing: Supports multi-hop routing between devices, enhancing network reliability and coverage.

Matter Protocol Introduction

  • Matter protocol (formerly known as Connected Home over IP, CHIP) is an open standard developed by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (formerly Zigbee Alliance). Its goal is to promote interoperability and internet connectivity for smart home devices, integrating multiple communication protocols including Thread, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet.

Key features include:

Protocol interoperability: Integrates multiple communication protocols to support interoperability among different devices such as security systems, energy management, and entertainment devices. Open standard: Provides a common connectivity platform for devices from different manufacturers and brands, driving the development of the entire smart home market. Interoperability: Ensures devices can communicate and collaborate on the same platform, enhancing user experience and system flexibility.

Relationship Between Thread and Matter

  • Integration: Matter protocol integrates Thread as one of its underlying communication protocols. This means devices supporting the Matter protocol can directly connect to networks that support Thread, leveraging Thread's advantages such as low power consumption and enhanced security.
  • Complementarity: Thread and Matter are not in competition but complement each other. Thread provides a stable foundation for IoT connectivity, while Matter promotes device interoperability through open standards, driving the advancement of smart home device markets.

Thread and Matter protocols each play unique and crucial roles in the IoT domain. By understanding their characteristics and integration methods, we can build secure, stable, and efficient smart home and building automation systems, providing users with a superior smart living experience.